Τρίτη 27 Μαρτίου 2012

How to have the mood you want at any given moment

When there are many serious/unexpected/bad things happening in your life or you feel you are at a dead end/at the end of your tether or simply you are affected by the state our world is at nowadays,you can easily become overwhelmed by your feelings and emotions. We've all been there. On multiple occasions.

Now. Do you really want to be a slave to your emotions/moods?Do you?
Of course you don't. That's the reason why you are reading this,right?

I can help you. Seriously. Read on.

Before I get on with the plan,I feel I can almost hear your objections:
''But...but...I have no other choice than to feel like crap...I'm stuck...I'm paralyzed....There's nothing I can do to change it...You don't know what I've been through/going through...I can't help it really!''

Yes you can help it. How? Easily.
Instead of stewing in your own stew,actually get intelligent and get the hell out of that mood. 

You see,we always get to pick our mood. The only way it feels that you have no conrol over it is because you've been led to believe you have no control over it.

Here's how to go about it:

1.Tell yoursel positive thinking doesn't help

Whenever you are under the influence of paralyzingly strong emotions,positive thinking doesn't help. Nor does willpower.I mean,you would much rather feel better,but it's not like you can push a button and get back to the feeling great state.So stop beating yourself up for not snapping out of it. You can't.

2. Give yourself permission to feel bad for a while

The key word is for a while. Keep the pity party going on for a while..Tell yourself you are entitled to it. Wallow in it. But please keep it within a time limit. Like a couple a days. Or more,depending on the seriousness of the whole matter.

3. Write down the emotion you need to have

Be realistic,though. If you are at the throws of clinical depression don't try to reach elation in one go. Aim lower at first. Choose,say, contentment instead. So long it's a better altern ative to what you are experiencing at the moment,it's fine. 

Do write it down. No,not just in your head. Write down in detail what you'd like to experience: '' I am infectiously happy. I walk down the street beaming like I've just found out I won the lottery ticket.It affects everyone I get to interact with,friends,associates,clients,family members,social media interactions.,everyone is basking in it.''

4. Focus on the actual feeling you need to invoke

When you are ready to quit feeling like a loser, tell yourself: ''I am ready to quit feeling....
( insert negative feeling here) and start feeling (...eg, infectiously happy)''.
Say it like you mean it. Believe it. Pray if you need to. Sing it. Dance it. Say it again and again until it feels right.
I usually add to it a 'because' part. Like,''I'm ready to feel infectiously happy because I'm a Greek and I can do the impossible''. You choose your own justification.

5. Take action

Take up a small step of action that proves you're actually in the mood you are trying to invoke. For example,what would an infectiously happy person do? They'd smile at everyone,friends and strangers alike. They 'd sing in the bathroom,dance in the street, post happiness inspiring shit on their social media pages etc. Got my point?

6. Repeat

Do that for a whole day at least. See how it feels.

7. Avoid new triggers

Remove yourself from places,situations and people that might trigger the emotion you are trying to get rid of.

8. Yes,you might relapse

So what? Rinse and repeat the whole process.

I know what you're thinking at the moment. ''This looks like too much work''. Well, what's your alternative? Staying in your depressed mood? Take action. Follow those steps. They work. 

I promise.

                                        Love,peace and infectious happiness


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