There is one and only one secret to attract people and be a likeable person.
No,it's not having lots of money
No,it's not good looks and physical attraction
No,it's not about using some cool tricks
No,it's not about being social either
What is it then?
Find something about a person that wows you and fall in love with it!
Focus on it,enjoy it,think about it as often as you can,give them gredit for it,compliment them often about it,email them about it,tell other people about it,sing a song about it,write a short story about it,draw a picture of it,write in your gratitude journal about it,thank God for it!
Does it work?Like a charm!
With everyone?Yeap!
All the time?Almost!
Even with strangers,even with people you've just met?Them too,even with people you've never met,like contacts in social media!
But you'll have to mean it.You'll have to really,really love that special thing or trait or whatever it is that makes that person unique.Feigned or half-hearted interest won't do.Flattery is out of the question either.Keep things simple: focus on that one thing you love about them and all else will fall into place.
Why is that so?Why loving something about someone else will make them like you,seek your company,love you back?
Simply because love begets love.
If you want to receive,you'll have to give first and give in abundance.
Why love just one thing about them and not more?Isn't more better?
Of course it is.But if you focus on that one big thing about them first,you'll gradually start finding more exciting,wonderful things to love.And they'll subconsciously start doing the same for you.
Have you ever noticed how many people pass through our lives every day,every month,every year?Think of all your aquaintances.Most of them are indifferent to you.Even worse,you might harbour an undetected dislike towards some of them.And I'm not even talking about the ones that you actively dislike or even hate.But lukewarm or negative feelings beget lukewarm and negative reactions.So you'll have to start with one thing you absolutely love about a person and build from there!
One thing for you to like is easy to find.It's not hard work,because everyone has at least one trait or characteristic you definitely like.So focus on that one,be it physical,mental,emotional,spiritual or whatever and wait for more to surface.
You think there are people you can find absolutely nothing to like about?
Look again.Look harder.Try harder.
Sometimes we just don't want to find things to like about someone.Why?Because there is this one big thing we don't like about them and we keep focusing on that...
And I say,forget about the thing or things you don't like.Find and focus on a positive one instead.Keep at it long enough and you'll start finding more to like until all negative feelings towards that person start melting away.
Try it for yourself.Try it for a week.No,give it a try for a day.You'll come to realise two things:
1.It's much more difficult than you think
Because thinking negative thoughts,including thinking negative stuff about people,is easier than the other way round.Negativity is a weed,it takes no effort to grow,positivity is a rare flower that takes effort and sweating to cultivate.
2.You'll get magical reactions from people because of it
Because love always begets love!
And if you want to learn more effective ways to show and express your love to everyone,here's an excellent ebook on how to send love!
photos from here
Love,peace and MORE LOVE!
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I grew up in a negative family, my father died when I was young and my mother said, this family has never had anything and never will. This passes on to others generations. So, I was negative most of my life. I finally learning through teaching, that you get what you put into life. So, Erini I Love You.
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThis reminds me of that line from a Beatles song, "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήI love you and your blog, Eirini - thank you for sharing yourself with us!
So informative and useful article!!!
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήThese dolls pics are so charming! Dolls with eyes that speak! Great article!! A friend of mine once told me to silently tell each person that walks by you "I love you," and see how your life changes. Your ideas are so generous in a world that has been so scarred, people are afraid to love, afraid to receive. What if we all just through love at everything for even 5 minutes a day? Wow!