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I am at this fast food restaurant with my best friend and she's mad at me.I've just told her that judging by what she told me about their first dinner date,her new flame is probably a selfish,greedy pig,most likely sucks in bed and is going to be totally insensitive to her needs so her best bet would be to ditch him now before it's too late.His personality analysis was based on the way said guy devoured his food.
She has her arms crossed in the most defensive manner possible.She says 'You are such a smart ass,Eirini.You think you know everything,don't you?'I continue,undaunted 'And he's probably his mommy's little boy who loves being taken care of.You can do better than that,surely.'
Come to think about it,you'll see that it stands to reason.
If the way you do anything is the way you do everything,then the way you eat also reflects the way you go about doing things in your bedroom.Even more so because they're both basic human needs based on the most primal instinct of survival.You can fake good manners,or an accent or how much in love you are or whatever but there is no way you can fake your eating habits.
Unless,of course,you've been given a hint that they reveal your sex persona.I always provide new people I meet(and like) with this useful tool of judging people's sex preferences.They are rarely grateful though,because I put them to the test first by watching them eat,draw my conclusions and then triumphantly inform them of what I made of them.I guess they feel violated in a way.
Try it for yourself.First you'd like to consider whether your food addictions or preferences reflect your bedroom personality.
Then mentally go over your list of exes and current lover(s).You'll probably see that their food personality traits mirror their sexual preferences.Keen on sweets?You're the romantic kind,a sucker for tenderness and lovey-dovey stuff.Rude to the waitress?Woe begone to your sexual parters if they fail to provide you with your means of satisfaction.Licking your fingers in public?You're the sensual kind,quite comfortable with your sexuality.And the list goes on.
There's even an online test about how your Oreo eating habits reveal your personality.According to this I am good at business and taking risks but ought to be ashamed of myself because I'm also greedy,selfish,mean and lack feelings for others.That is probably true because I love it when people prepare meals for me and I don't get to lift a finger to help and all I have to do is just sit down to enjoy my food (which is rarely the case of course as I've got four children to take care of and a tour guide husband who is abroad more often than he is at home).
Since we are talking about sex here are 10 Reasons Why You Should Have More Sex and if that is not enough for you here are 20 More Reasons to Have Sex.Still not convinced or lacking a partner?Even virtual sex makes you smarter if that survey is to be trusted.
What's the best cure for wrinkles,stage fright,headaches and lack of creativity?You've guessed it,sex again! But don't believe just about everything you hear about it before you read the Top 10 Myths about Sex.
There is an ancient greek myth about Zeus,the father of all gods,quarreling with his wife Hera.She claimed that men derived more satisfaction from sex than women,he said that women enjoy it the most,They decided to consult the seer Teresias who,by an unfortunate twist of luck,got to spend nine years of his life as a woman before reverting back to being a man.Having experienced both male and female nature he provided them with his specialist's answer:Women enjoy sexual intercourse nine times more than a man!
Hera got mad at being proven wrong and blinded the poor man.But see how science supports the myth;this survey claims that the intensity of a woman's orgasm is ten times that of a man's and that due to differences in the way our brains are wired if a man could experience the intensity of a female's orgasm, he'd probably die of brain damage.

Speaking of differences between both sexes,here are The 4 Things Men Hate About Sex and,as a response,
How most women like to have sex,a link posted by none other than the goddess GalaDarling herself.
Some more fun links:101 Things Not To Say During Sex and a reason why smart people should have more sex.
New evidence to support the theory that the older a woman gets,the better sex gets and another one on how
A few random facts about sex and The Science of Attraction and guess what kind of porn men are looking at nowadays.
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