I read hundreds of blogs and articles a day.
I mean it . Literally. No exaggeration.
Like most avid readers, I thoroughly enjoy reading.
But the fact is, there are simply not enough free hours in a day for all the reading I would love to be doing.
So I have improvised a method of my own to satisfy my craving for reading and learning:
I call it 'Creative Skimming' and maybe you do it too.
Here is the thing with normal books:
Once you commit to one, it's pretty dang difficult to change minds!
Even if you had browsed through it and found it interesting at first, it might turn out a complete disappointment once you commit to reading it.
And then, you either finish it anyway and say ''nah, what a waste of time'' or read half way through it and then toss it aside and its yet another half finished business that weighs on your conscience ( 'you didnt even finished so-and-so book, remember?' says the little voice in your head).
I have news for ya,my friend:
You have permission NOT to finish books you dont like.
Or not start them at all.
Boring books can be, well, utterly boring and a total waste of your prescious brain breath.
Not so with online books, articles or blogs or whatever.
You skim through them.
You dont like them?
Off we go to the next one...
You do like one in particular?
You can go over it several times if you wish or take it up from there and read up more on the subject or the writer herself/himself.
I browse thousants of blogs and articles online everyday.
In fact you could say it's my favorite pastime.
Since I never watch TV, I get all my news online, but it's much much more than that.
Inspiration, litterature, the weird and paranormal, the holy and the sexy, the scientific and the holistic, thetribal and the trivial, the poetic and the absurd, they are all within a days reading list.
Inspiration, litterature, the weird and paranormal, the holy and the sexy, the scientific and the holistic, thetribal and the trivial, the poetic and the absurd, they are all within a days reading list.
I 'd usually skim through a text in a matter of nanoseconds.
If it captures my imagination or my intuition nodds, I'd go through it real quick and catch the gist. occasionally a paragraph might catch my eye, then I'd pore through it hungrily.
Occasionally a writer might be so good, that it will stop me on my tracks and compel me to read the entire damn thing. When this happens , we have a facebook quote on my wall that I instinctively match with a corresponding picture of my vast collection.
Sometimes I become so enamored with a text and writer that I might not sleep through the night , avidly going through every single thing they've ever written, collecting gem after gem of magical thought that I either write down in my special inspiration notebook or post on facebook or keep in my notes section on my blog.
Usually this means that the writer and me are a good vibrational match, our energies are alike, so I like the outpouring of their creativity as well. I try to find and stalk those people on facebook too, because their heart and mind seems like an interesting place to further explore .
More often than not, however, I skip article after article after blogpost after ebook of tedious, boring stuff that leaves me unimpressed and uninspired.
But this too serves as a reminder: I keep telling myself that unless what I write is powerful and authentic, it is doomed to never capture anyone's heart or imagination.
This is my Creative Skimming fun way of going through hundreds of blogs a day.
And it ever takes up much less of my time than normal book or article reading would.
And it's loads and loads of fun.
One last suggestion, to up the fun and enjoyment you get out of it all:
Try unusual word combination in google search
The more unlikely the combination, the more interesting the resulting reading ensued. Like ''lustful religion'' or ''glittering universe'' or conscious accident''.
Got the idea?
Now go have some fun of your own!