Τhere is no way to beat about the bush around this one.
Dont force your kids to eat what they dont like, good people.\
Food is ,apart from necessary to sustain life, closely related to pleasure and love.
Can you think of anything else that is closely related to pleasure and love?
Right. Sex.
Teaching your kids to disregard their natural aversion to certain foods and forcing it down their stomach?
Same as teaching them that disregarding their natural instincts is ok if someone in authority tells them so. Also, that pleasure has nothing to do with food, but you have to gulp it down , no matter how disgusting it is.
Please, dont do that.
I am not judging anyone's parenting style here. Really , I am not. Strict or relaxed, that's another story.
But food, it's too important to teach discipline with. Let boundaries learning be done in other ways, there are countless of them.
Dont lay the foundations for a distorted, sick relationship with pleasure by forcing food down a very unwilling little stomack.
No, your kid is not doing it to spite you.
Have you ever tried swallowing something that doesnt agree with you?
Torture, right?
What makes you think then it is right to impose this on your child, out of a sense of 'respect for rules and how hard I've worked to prepare this'?
Nature gave us the perfect example of what our relationship with food should be like:
"Breastfeeding is an unsentimental metaphor for how love works, in a way. You don't decide how much to love — you respond to the beloved, and give with joy exactly as much as they want." ~Marni Jackson
Try making a baby suckle when they are full and not hungry..impossible. That's how love should work, never imposed, given freely and the beloved decides when, how and how much. The most pure and perfect model for love, given to us by God as a compass for later in life
Men, especially, who have breastfed to their heart's content, NEVER become rapists...because they model their sexual behavior after the fashion of how the first woman in their life gave them love: freely and as much and when they needed it.
Food = Pleasure+ Love
Let your kids decide how much and of what kind pleasure and love they need.
Their needs as individual as their fingerprint.
Don't spoil it for them
Pleas, dont
Because no big harm will come out of their not eating their greens.
But love and pleasure?
You bet they'll be needing to be able to enjoy that....
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