Τρίτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 2013

Take Action Now

''To kill or not to kill? That is the question''

in·de·ci·sion (nd-szhn)   n.

Reluctance or an inability to make up one's mind; irresolution.

To change my life or not?

To close down my business or not?

To get a divorce or not?

To follow my bliss or follow my security?

To put a price tag on my dreams or not?

To fuck him or say 'fuck it'?

 The next thing you know is that you get bogged down with indecision. Indecision can easily lead to procrastination, and next thing you know you’re stuck not going anywhere.

“To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.” –Eva Young


Take Action to Fight Indecision!

Here is how:

Wipe the slate clean – If you have too many projects on the go, clear them all and start from scratch. When you have wiped the slate clean, concentrate on thing at a time until it’s finished and then move onto the next. If you can’t clear everything, just drop them temporarily, concentrate on one thing until it’s finished and then move on. You will find you move a lot quicker through everything you need to get done.

Clear the clutter – Clearing the clutter, whether it be from your desk, your house, or your wardrobe. When there is clutter in your life there is clutter in your mind, clearing the clutters clears your mind.

Analysis paralysis – This is the term given to people who are analysing things too much and it keeps them from moving on. Stop analysing and just do it. There comes a time when you have to stop evaluating something and just bite the bullet and do it, if it doesn’t work out do something else and start again.

List everything – Make a list of everything you would like to do, whether it be cleaning the house to taking the dog a walk. Write it down.
Prioritise – Pick the most important thing you have to do for the day, or week or year, and then pick the next most important thing and so on until you have reached the bottom off your list.

Take Action Now!

 If we wait for the anxiety and conflict to subside first, we will never do anything.  

Thinking about jumping is necessary and helpful. But at some point, you have to just do it.

Just do it!


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