1. Because it's your true calling and you know it!
2.Because just being physically present in your business makes you happy and radiant!
3.Because you're damn good at it!
4.Because you like serving others and getting paid for it!
5.Because you'd like to make a difference in your industry!
6.Because you like meeting and interacting with lots of new people every day!
7.Because you love forming true,deep connections and not just 'winning' new customers!
8. Because you'll rock your leadership skills this way!
9. Because you'll get to be a great team worker!
10.Because you'll learn to detect bullship in people even outside business!
10. Because you'll become more sociable and more fun to be around!
11.Because one day of being in your own business is more fun than a lifetime of working for someone else!
12.Because you'll be a great role model for your kids,as nothing makes kids more proud than an accomplished parent!
13.Because you'll be happier and happier mothers are better mothers!
14.Because most worthy,true men love strong,independent women and they'll adore you for being you!
15.Because you'll be a great role model for other women as well!
16.Because you'll form strong connections in the process,both mentoring and being mentored by awsome people!
17.Because your organisation skills will skyrocket!
18. Because you'll be more sexy,as nothing is more of a turn-on for most people than confidence and success ( in fact,I can guarrantee that you'll be inundated with offers from all kinds of potential partners...)
19. Because you'll learn to never ever give up in the face of adversity and hardships!
20. Because you'll evolve as a person just as your business evolves,becoming a charismatic woman in the process!
21. Because you'll become a recognised name in your industry!
22. Because you'll have realised many of your dreams through your business!
23. Because you are bound to learn some money lessons first and then,hopefully,some money skills as well!
24.Because even your ability to enjoy sex will be greatly enhanced,in proportion to the newfound confidence you'll gain and the admiration you'll be showered with!
25. Because each new day will be a wonderful new challenge!
26.Because you'll never EVER feel bored in your life!
27. Because you'll be forced to become more practical and down to earth,even if it isn't in you!
28.Because you'll start to believe in miracles,especially in your ability to make money out of thin air!
29.Because you'll play dressing up every day in your life!
30.Because you'll get to see how far you can go,how much further you can push your own personal limits!
31. Because you' ll love helping inexperienced employees reach their true potential!
32. Because you' ll love sharing your passion with the world!
33. Because you'll be so fulfilled every night when you get back from work that you'll actually feel guilty for earning money out of this!
34. Because the freedom of it all will be so breathtaking that you'll never exchange it for anything less!
35. Because you'll get to have total control over your entire working experience!
36.Because you'll love messing with your head and exploring new,fantastic things to try!
37. Because you'll keep learning and discovering new stuff every single day as an entrepreneur!
38. Because,if you live in a male-dominated country like mine,you'll love the expression on their faces when they keep asking ''You mean you are the boss around here?''
39.Because you'll have the ability to pick and choose the people you'll work with!
40. Because you'll love the job security of never having to be fired or made redundant!
41.Because a true,strong marriage with lots of love will be strengthened by the energy of excitement you'll be bringing back to it from your business!
42.Because you'll abandon for ever Stepford-wife standards of housekeeping!
43. Because your kids will be spending more time with their dad and he with them!
44. Because you'll become more disciplined and trustworthy!
45.Because you'll be able to afford more little luxuries for you and the kids guilt-free!
46. Because your kids will not grow up believing they are the center of the universe!
47.Because your kids will get to be more responsible and independent!
48. Because your kids will not come to believe in Neandertall views about women and equality,as a result of being raised by a business woman!
49.Because only a few people will really get you, but when you meet one of those sparks will fly and magic will happen!
50.Because it will always take only a tiny sign to make everything alright again!
51.Because the constant flow of challenges will built your resilience!
52.Because you'll form a circle of few,close friends with the same agenda as you that will look after you with a ferocious devotion unheard of in 9 to 5 jobs!
53.Because you'll grow to be so resourceful that you'll be unstoppable!
54. Because you'll learn both to see the bigger picture and focus in when needed!
55. Because you'll work so hard that you'll appreciate every opportunity for rest a thousant times more!
56. Because you'll stop washing TV!
57. Because you won't even remember to eat so much,so you'll stay slim and attractive!
58. Because discomfort will be a new word for growth for you!
59. Because money will become irrelevant as the only reason for your creative work!
60. Because you'll never stop hoping,even in the midst of despair!
61.Because you'll get to be one person one moment and a totally different one the next!
62. Because you'll learn the hard way that the only person that has all the power to change anything is just you!
63. Because you'll never be put in a box,litterally or metaphorically!
64. Because you'll stop believing in rules!
65.Because the universe will always be on your side,as is the case with all those that pursue their true passion in life!
66.Because even bad days will be good,as you'll keep learning all the time!
67.Because when life is lonely it forces you to look within!
68. Because you'll always have good stories to share!
69.Because for some inexplicable reason it will become easier for you to lift people's spirits without even trying!
70. Because you'll stop needing so much sleep!
71. Because you'll have no limit imposed by a boss to your earning capacity!
72. Because you'll learn to listen to your heart instead of an authority figure!
73.Because you won't die with your music still inside you!
74.Because even if you eventually fail,you will have loved every precious minute of this awsome journey!

Love,peace and true bliss
Very good, I don't think I could add anything.