Παρασκευή 4 Νοεμβρίου 2011

10 Reasons to never Own a Business If You Are a Woman

If you are a woman and at the end of each day you look into your mirror and see dark circles the size of a full moon under your eyes -like mine in the above photo- chances are:

a/-you are severly or chronically sleep deprived
b/-you are a mother with no help with the house and the kids
c/-you are a business owner and a mother
d/-you are all the above

As answer d applies to my situation more often than not,I though I'd compile a nice list, with back up evidence supporting my claim,that a woman in her right mind,should never ever own a business.Do not disregard my claim,web people out there,it comes from 9 years of solid experience as both an entrepreneur and a mother of 4. So here it is:

10 Reasons  to Never Own a Business If You Are a Woman

If you are a woman you should never own a business because:

1.You'll have a real hard time catching a decent boyfriend or husband. The more successful you get,the more intimidating you'll be in the eyes of most men,at least for a long-term relationship.

2. Even if you do manage to get a husband or boyfriend,they' ll probably divorce you or break up with you sooner or later,or they' ll spend their days secretly plotting of doing so. Here's why.

3.Your children,if you have any, will probably resent your being a business woman, both during their actual upbringing and probably for the rest of their lives. Because kids need a stable,predictable environment first and foremost. But stability is hardly a thing characteristic of an entrepreneur's life. And since we cannot give what we do not have, a businesswoman can offer anything but stability to her kids. Unless of course her partner can provide that element for them,which is highly unlikely,because of  reasons 1 and 2 above.

4.Your house will be a mess nine times out of ten. Now,according to feng-sui experts, mess in our homes is a reflection of the mess in our lives. Take it from me,guys: this is totally and absolutely true for every woman entrepreneur with kids out there.

5. You'll be less well-groomed and so probably less attractive than other women your age. Although people think that business women take better care of thenselves because they have both the money and the motivation to do so, I can assure you this is not the case if you own a business and still have young kids at home. As other priorities (like preparing lunch for kids or preparing for a meeting) usually seem more important that the 'selfish' act of self-care,the grooming part is always left for last. Like,whenever there's an event at my school,for example,my stuff may look perfectly groomed whereas I, always giving attention to details or last minute preparations,hardly manage to even get my hair done.

6. You'll have hardly any women friends. Stay at home moms will be avoiding you like the plague and so will career women with no kids,because to their eyes you are an anomaly. Women with a career and kids like you,on the other hand will be,like you, too busy with and too tired because of their own hectic lives to maintain  a friendship.

7. You'll have a higher sex drive than most  (because your testosterone levels would be typically higher than average-slightly elevated testosterone levels can be beneficial for women by increasing sex drive) but you'll be too exhausted or too busy to act on it (this is why). A higher sex drive + hardly any time or stamina for action =a very nasty and sad combination.

8. You'll suffer from chronic stress,so you'll age faster than most women,not to mention the stress related health conditions that this entails.

9. Chances are your employees will have a hard time relating to you and/or following your leadership,especially if you live in a traditionally male-dominated society or country,because of stereotypical roles. Most men employees will try to either downplay or plainly disregard your leadership,by insisting on 'doing it their way' whereas most women employees will resent,undermine and defy it. If neither group succeeds in their said endeavors,they'll call you a neurotic,heartless,unwomanly and unorgasmic bitch behind your back.

10. You'll be forever desperate for money,because,unlike employed women with a steady paycheck or housewives budgeting on their husband's money,your own sources of income will be less predictable or reliable.

Still unconvinced? Read this great post by Penelope Trunk about the same subject.

Now,having said all that,wait until I post my next article about 75 Reasons to Be a Woman Entrepreneur to find out why,in spite of all this madness,we decide to do it anyway!

Love,peace and deeper understanding


1 σχόλιο:

  1. i know a woman in this category. but she ages much slower than other women, has incredible hair and face despite her tiredness and has accomplished more on her own than three couples will ever accomplish in their entire lives!

