Πέμπτη 21 Ιουλίου 2011

What stops you from achieving anything

What stops you from achieving anything is a combination of those three things:

Ignorance - Laziness - Despair

    Any and all goals are doomed to fail because of this powerful cocktail of negative traits:

Ignorance - Laziness - Despair

Think of any resolution you or anyone else has ever had.A resolution that you never followed through.


-You decide it's time to lose some weight.

1.You start with a low-cal diet  (wrong approach-Ignorance )

2.After a while,eating junk food at the end of a tiring day is far more appealing than preparing that healthy meal your diet dictates   (you give in-Laziness)

3.Seeing that this diet thing takes too long,is too inconvenient,requires too much self-discipline,there are no quick-fix results,you become discouraged and quit  (-Despair).

I challenge you to think of anything you've ever failed to achieve.You'll see that at the root of your decision to either quit halfway or to never begin in the first place are those three horrible gremlins that keep sabotaging your success:

Ignorance - Laziness - Despair

OK,so you admit it,it's because you are either ignorant,lazy or you despair all too easily that you get frustrated in your efforts to achieve stuff.

Now what?

Negative traits,like weeds,are too easy to crop up,but way too difficult to weed out,threatening to take over your entire garden.

Here's what helps me:

The reason we ever want anything is because,really,we are far more interested in the emotions we think we will get when we have our wish granted.

Example:you'd like to lose weight to feel more attractive,desirable,strong,in control etc.
You'd love to have that new car to feel wealthy,deserving,competent,affluent etc.
You want a girlfriend to feel loved,attractive,desirable,sexually fulfilled etc
You want a new,better job to feel vocatinally fulfilled,passionate about your work,etc
You want to learn a new hobby to feel accomplished,clever etc
You want more money to be able to buy whatever things or experiences you are dreaming of,which experiences are going to make you feel a certain (desirable) way.

And the list goes on idefinitely.

Suggestion:Go straight for the emotions that you are after when your wish is accomplished.This way manifesting them will not only come about easier and quicker,but you'll also have a great weapon against those three gremlins we were talking about:

Ignorance - Laziness - Despair

Go straight for the emotion instead!

The emotion you are after is your treasure chest,all other material or practical stuff you get along the way are just your map to get there.Don't mistake the map for the treasure.

How to you go for the emotion first?

Simple really.

Tap into another experience or action that is going to get you the emotion you desire

Write down your wish.Then,next to it,write down all positive emotions and feeings you'll get when you accomplish this.Right next to it,write another action/s that you can do right away to give you the same feeling and emotion.


Goal: Live debt free Why: to feel financially in control,secure,free etcWhat to do to induce the same feelings/emotions: start saving some money now,to feel in control again about your finances.

Of course,actions that produce the desirable emotion differ for each one of us.You can only decide for yourself  the right course of action.

Try it,it works.It's the best way to get rid of 

Ignorance - Laziness - Despair

When your emotions are on the right track,you'll get motivated to acquire all necessary knowledge you need to fullfil your wish.Also,they'll help you not to fall in the depths of discouragement and fire you up to overcome procrastination and laziness.

 And here's a great video workshop with lots of all kinds of practical advice on How to beat Discouragement by Goddess Leonie.

Love,peace and dreams fulfilled


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