Δευτέρα 21 Ιουλίου 2014

5 Ways To Manifest An OUTRAGEOUS Wish

1. Invite life ( God, the universe) to play with you

This is the most important step, don't you dare omit it. Say it out loud ''Dear God, ( life, universe), please come play with me and surprise me into/.....-insert goal-.

Then, brainstorm, mentally or on paper, all the playful ways by which life may be able to make your outrageous wish come true.

 I swear the one solution that life/ God /the universe will come up with is totally unexpected and unrelated to the ideas you'll think of, but the process is important too. It's like when you're playing a game, you make your move, then invite the other player to make theirs:

''Okay, here's what I've got in store for you! Enjoy!''

2. Raise your vibration to bliss-like heights

Here's how to do that: Imagine of a time when you were so happy that you thought your hurt would burst, imagine you just won 3,6 millioin dollars in the lottery ticket,  or plainly feel, feel with every fiber of your being that your outrageous wish has already been fulfilled and you're now enjoying it.

Repeat at least three times a day or whenever you think of your outrageous wish. 

3. Be passionately in Love with someone or something

Love triples your attractive vibration in a second. Your aim is to stay in Love vibration for as long as you can every day. Feel it or remember how it felt. Now, intensify it. Make it ten, a thousant times strrrrrrrrronger! Feel it!

Then ,wait for your miracle to come true.

4. Tell yourself you are open for something even better than this

This is the law of detachment. Of course there are better options than the one you initially wished for. You 've invited the universe to play with you, remember? So relax and allow it to happen.

5. Take the first symbolic or practical step towards your wish

Action seals the deal. It's like you signing up. Like you saying ''I believe it's on its way, so I might as well get ready for it''.

 Of course  you do. So prove it.

Every wish, outrageous or not, is within the realms of possibility for you, otherwise you wouldn't have given birth to it in your mind. So get out of your own way and wait for its manifestation. 

It's yours for the asking

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