Intimacy= Into-me-I-see
You cannot be intimate with another human being if you first cannot 'see' into yourself.
See into yourself means :See the hard, naked truth of who you are first. Cry over the horrible monsters of your egoism and shed light to them by admitting first to yourself, then to another human being that you have them, own them and thus bring them to light where they graduall begin to dissolve, as all shadows do.
See into yourself means: rejoice in your God-given talents, even the ones that are considered stupid and unworthy by other people, rejoice in them and share them freely and embarassment-free with the world, because the gift that is hidden suffocates its bearer.
If you cannot see into yourself like this first, you can never be trully intimate with another human being, no matter your age. All you'll ever do, is exchange body fluids or, if you belong to the asexual type, wait and wait for another human being to see into you and be intimate with you, but that will never ever happen, cause it works the other way round: first you see into you, then others are invited to see and love what you can show them in there.
Stop hiding from you.
Own your monsters, own your treasures.
Publicly, if possible. (It works faster that way)
Then watch how others crave to be intimate with you or how those who cannot be intimate with themselves rage with jealousy and hatred at your seemingly magic way to attract intimacy.
But you should know better.
Your secret is simple
Into-me- I see first....
Love and hugs