Σάββατο 5 Οκτωβρίου 2013

How To Stay In Love For Ever

Love never dies.
We murder it.
With our own bare hands.

We kill love by killing Affection, Sexual Desire,Communication

And those three never die of a natural cause, boredom or circircumstances, contrary to popular belief.

Love can last for ever.
So long as those three stay alive:
Affection, Sexual Desire,Communication

If those three are going srtrong, love flourishes.
It even becomes stronger with each passing day.
Stronger, deeper and more satisfying.
Even its actual components become stronger.

Affection gets stronger.
Communication gets more meaningful.
Yes,even  Sexual Desire gets stronger too.

How do you do that?


Keep each one of the components of love alive and thriving
then love thrives and gets stronger too.

How do you keep the three elements of love alive?

-You keep Affection alive: 
by biting back cruel, harsh words that stay in memory for ever, 
by simple gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness towards each other
by guarding fiercely each other against the cruelty of other people, offering sympathy and understanding against everyday troubles and mishaps, offering a united front to the world
and by doing those things every single day of your common life together!

-You keep Sexual Desire strong: 
by deliberately finding time to make love
by making it a point to sexually please your lover
and by being physically affectionate and tender with them even in
non-sexual contexts, eyes, hands, voices and breaths always caressing each other
and by doing those things every single day of your common life together!

-You keep Communication meaningful:
by being open and vulnerable enough to share your deepest thoughts and desires with each other
by learning to listen with compassion and understanding
and by risking talking even about things that feel uncomfortable, risky or complicated
and by doing those things every single day of your common life together!

Τoo much work?
But of course.
Thats why most people fail at it.
Because it requires conscious, everyday effort.

But letting it go is even worse.
It means drifting from meaningless relationship to meaningless fuck without ever getting to enjoy, grow and fourish in love.

Love can last for ever.

So long as
we do not murder it 
with our very own bare hands.

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